
Friday, August 20, 2010

Double Black Eyes, 3 Months Old & the Last Day in my 20's

The last day of vacation, Grant and Kindle both managed to get a black eye.  Kindle ran into the coffee table.  She was playing with her brothers and sister when it happened.  She was so sad.  She doesn't like to look at it in the mirror because it just makes her more upset.  This is her first black eye and hopefully her last.

Grant also got a black eye.  He ran into the door knob.  He actually hit the door knob on the side of his head the day before.  Then the next day, he ran into it again but right on his eye.  His eye got swollen almost shut.  It looked worst during our car drive home, but by yesterday it had started to go down.  He handled it amazingly well.  He didn't even cry.  He just asked us to pray for it.  Luckily, he is pretty tough.  Last year when he busted his head open, he only cried for a couple of minutes.  I was more upset about it than him.  

Gunnar is 3 months old today.  I weighed him this morning and he is 13 1/2 lbs.  He continues to be a very easy going baby.  He takes great naps, loves his swing, nurses well and is super smiley.  He is trying very hard to talk.  The other day, Nathan and I both thought he said "hi".  Typically, Nathan or I will talk to him and he will make noises back to mimmic what we are doing.  Nathan was saying "hi" to him over and over and it sounded just like he said "hi".  While we were on vacation, he did it again when talking to my Mom.  All of my children talk very early (I mean look at their 2 talkative parents).  I don't know if I am ready to officially call it his first word quite yet.  I am going to see if he continues to say it.  He also copies us when we wave.  He started doing that last month when Nathan was in Costa Rica.  I would put Gunnar in front of the computer while Nathan was on video Skype.  Nathan would wave and Gunnar would copy him.  It is so sweet!  He is also currently obsessed with fans.  He likes them even if they aren't turned on or don't have the lights on.
Don't you find this fan exciting???
He will just smile, giggle and try to talk to them.  It is adorable.  I got a couple of photos of him staring at the fan.
Laying next to Mommy's computer while she blogs, staring at the fan :)
I finally got him to look at me instead of the fan.

On a different note, today is my last day in my 20's.  I can hardly believe I will be 30 tomorrow.  I remember thinking 30 was soooo old when I was a child.  I can definitely say I don't feel that way at all anymore.  I am so proud of what I have accomplished in the first 30 years of my life.  I look forward to seeing what the future brings!  


  1. You should be proud of yourself. You have done a good job--you're a really good mom, a great wife, a wonderful daughter and sister, and granddaughter too. We love you! Happy 30th birthday!

  2. Sarah you are so very blessed to have a mom who will say wonderful things about you and loves you so much... Hug your mom for me please just a little longer than you normally would!!! @Debbie... it's so great to see a mother who appreciates her daughter and her accomplishments!!!

  3. ... isn't it just a wonderment how much the little ones love a ceiling fan! I could sit and watch mine all day while they were just amazed at this thing on the ceiling going round & round. One of mine would even say, "Goodnight my friend" to ours every night.

  4. As I have come to find out just this month, 30 doesn't feel different than 29... unless I say it out loud... and then it just doesn't roll off the tongue like 20 does. =) I hope you have a great birthday tomorrow- you deserve the best!! I'm so thankful for you!!

  5. I agree, you should be happy with what you've accomplished in the first 30 years of your life. You're a wise and blessed woman. Enjoy your day.

    Now I believe you when you said your grandparents beach how was full of places to run into.

    Ceiling fans...isn't it a wonder? Maybe that's where the angels hang out.

    Moses doesn't wave, hmm, I'll have to try today. Of course he's probably talking and we probably don't notice. Guess y'all will have to interpret for us since you always hear his words before we do.


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